COVID Badge Cancellation Followup

Hello Badge Delegates,

Whilst I am sure most of you have received the relevant announcement regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I am happy to provide some further clarification.

The relevant policy statement sent from Tennis NSW & Tennis Australia is attached below. This information was sent to all Sydney Badge Team Captains, Club Delegates and Players with Match Centre accounts. We hope that you can assist us to make sure that the message has been received by all Badge Players and Clubs.

What this means:

1.       The Sydney Badge Competition has been postponed until further notice. The TNSW competitions team will look into options relating to the competition over the next week and provide further details to the Badge Delegates.

2.       This statement applies only to Tennis NSW and Tennis Australia events, and does not apply to club level competitions. We suggest you make contact with your club should you be involved in other local or club based competitions.

3.        Should you have any further questions, please submit to Denis to followup with Sydney Badge.  Please note that the Competitions team will do our best to respond to all queries, however this may take some time to work through over the next few days. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the lines of communication from your players through the delegate to TNSW as this assists us in providing better quality assistance to our playing group.

We appreciate your understanding in this unpredictable time, and always thank-you for your support of the Sydney Badge Competition.

Kind Regards
TNSW Competitions Team.

Badge Cancelled Until Further Notice.

Badge Captains and Delegates,

We wish to advise, after careful consideration and taking all relevant advice, Tennis Australia and all Member Associations have taken the decision to cancel all sanctioned and organised events with immediate effect. This was a difficult decision but taken in the best interests of the public health system in the short and medium term.

In order to minimise contact, we ask that you do not make your way to your scheduled venue until further notice.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind Regards,
Lawrence Robertson
CEO-Tennis NSW

Sydney Badge Guide & Rules

Sydney Badge, the oldest tennis competition in the Sydney Metro area has multiple grades on offer. The competition caters to 1200 + players of all ages, levels and abilities.

Games are played home and away at Tennis NSW Member Clubs and Facilities across the Greater Sydney Metropolitan area.


Thursday Factsheet

Saturday Factsheet

To view the Sydney Badge Competition Rules click here. 

Competition How-To’s:

Competition management: 

Click here for Badge Rules

MTC@manlylawn Term 2 Ladies Entries Open

Entries now open for MTC@manlylawn Tuesday and Ladies Competitions.

Here’s the link to sign up on the web.

Badge Begins this Saturday Mar 14

Badge Begins this Saturday so good luck to all teams.

We have  strong Division 1 Ladies and Division 1 Mens’ Teams this year with 3  Mens’ Teams in Division 4. All these Teams are capable of making the finals.

Our Ladies Team 2 and our Mens’ Teams 5 6 7 and 8 are all in lower divisions this year which increases their chances of performing well .

Our Thursday Ladies Team play their first home match this week at 10am against  Cooper Park after a wash out last week.  Feel free to come down and cheer them on as it has been over 10 years since Manly entered a Thursday Ladies Team. 

PLEASE NOTE: All captains MUST read and download the badge rules so they are familiar with them. Too many players quote old rules which can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings .  You must be up to date on the rules pls!
FINALS QUALIFICATION: Playing only 3 matches qualifies any player for the finals now.

RESERVES: Any player (must be club member) can reserve in another team as long as their rating is equal or lower than the player being replaced. A player can only play reserve 2 times for a a team since playing 3 times automatically makes the reserve a permanent member of that team.

FINISH TIME: Play can continue after the scheduled finish time if both captains agree at the start of play.

PLAYING TIMES: Noon to 245pm  and 250pm to 535pm.  Grass starts 30 minutes earlier.

MATCH RESULTS:To enter results captains must go to your dashboard, press edit and then enter results.  Winners enter results losers confirm results.


Home Matches on Saturday 


Manly Mens 5 v Strathfield 5 
Manly Mens 8 v Royal Sydney 8


Manly Mens 1 vSydney Uni
Manly Mens 4 v Neutral Bay 4
Manly Ladies 2 v Royal Sydney 3


REMINDER:  If you wish to book a court during Sunday club hours on Sunday,the maximum time is 1hour for singles and 1.5 hours for doubles. If nobody else wants the court then you can play longer. Please be flexible if several groups want to play at the same time and share courts. Nonmembers pay $20 placed in an envelope and left under the office door.

Denis Crowley
Club Captain

2020 Indian Wells Tournament cancelled

2020 BNP Paribas Open Will Not Be Held!

The Riverside County Public Health Department has declared a public health emergency for the Coachella Valley after a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) locally. As a result, the 2020 BNP Paribas Open will not take place at this time due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus and the safety of the participants and attendees at the event. This is following the guidance of medical professionals, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and State of California.

“There is too great a risk, at this time, to the public health of the Riverside County area in holding a large gathering of this size,” said Dr. David Agus, Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California. “It is not in the public interest of fans, players and neighboring areas for this tournament to proceed. We all have to join together to protect the community from the coronavirus outbreak.”

“We appreciate the proactive stance tournament organizers are taking to ensure public health and safety,” said Martin Massiello, Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Eisenhower Health.

“We are very disappointed that the tournament will not take place, but the health and safety of the local community, fans, players, volunteers, sponsors, employees, vendors, and everyone involved with the event is of paramount importance,” said Tournament Director Tommy Haas. “We are prepared to hold the tournament on another date and will explore options.”

2020 Wimbledon and French Open Ticket Ballots

One of the exclusive benefits of being a member of our tennis community is the opportunity to enter the 2020 Wimbledon and French Open ticket ballots.

Members MUST COMPLETE the Ballot Opt-In Form below to receive a unique access code for the 2020 Wimbledon and French Open ticket ballots.

Click here to complete the Opt-In Form for the 2020 Wimbledon and/or French Open ticket ballots.

Once the Ballot Opt-In period is over, you will receive an email with your unique code and ballot registration information. The Ballot Opt-In Form should be submitted for all registered family members individually in order to receive a unique code for each member. Please attempt to use unique email addresses for individual family members where possible.

Important dates you need to remember are as follows:

  • Ballot Opt-In period closes – Sunday 15th March 11:59pm (AEDT)
  • Members receive invitation to enter the ballot – Monday 23rd March
  • Ballot registrations close – Thursday 2nd April 11:59pm (AEDT)
  • Members informed of first round ballot results – Friday 3rd April
  • Subsequent ballot rounds will be held until Thursday 23rd April

For additional enquiries, please email [email protected] or contact Tennis Australia Customer Support on 1800 PLAY TENNIS (752 983) or +61 3 9914 4191 if calling from outside Australia.

Kind regards,
Tennis Australia

Sydney Surf Pro

Sun 8 – Sat 14 Mar
Manly Beachfront

See some of the world’s best surfers, including our very own Jordi Lawler, battle it out.

Featuring fun side serves of Kombi Rally and Aloha Alley.

A World Surf League event sponsored by NB’s Council. 

Learn more

MLTC Newsletter: Badge Update

Badge News

Ladies Thursday Badge begins this week. Our Ladies team has an away match at Royal Sydney. Good luck to our Thursday Ladies.
While the Saturday Badge draws have been posted, they should be finalised this week.  PLEASE remember to check  the venue and time for your match each week as it can change sometimes.  Click here for links to Badge Draws.
The Top 4 Mens teams and the Ladies teams are playing late matches each Saturday at home during Badge. The 4 other Mens teams will play the earlier matches each Saturday.
This is the last weekend before Saturday Badge begins.  If you want to book a court for your team to practice after 4pm, there are three courts still available. Contact me.
Milton is organising a barbecue this Saturday, March 7. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the Senior Club Championships at the barbecue.
A reminder if anyone has any Badge enquiries, please email myself or Virginia as Sydney Badge request all enquiries to come from our Badge Delegates. Thank you.
Denis Crowley
Club Captain