Badge Entries Close January 28, Web sign up available.
/in Badge, Club Captain /by manly_adminHappy New Year to everyone.
The 2019 Manly Seaside Tournament had record entries and was again a great success!!
Thanks to all members who helped during the tournament and especially to Milton who did a great job organising the bar. The bar made a good profit during The Seaside. Unfortunately our resident barman, Kevin, took ill during the tournament and was taken to hospital. Good new though, Kevin is recovering well now.
Our focus now turns to BADGE and ENTRIES WILL CLOSE JANUARY 28. It is imperative that you get your entries in early since I expect we will enter several more teams this year!
Rob has arranged for electronic sign up on our web site. Please click here to submit your entry.
Our MLTC teams have to be submitted by February 8. PLEASE NOTE all late entries will go in a pool of reserves and will NOT BE included as a regular team member.
Denis Crowley
MLTC Club Captain
MLTC Club Captain
Interesting links
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Corner Belgrave & Raglan Streets
Manly NSW 2095