TSNSW News: Entries for State Seniors Championships Close 20 Sept
A reminder that entries close for our State Championships ITF S700 on September 20 at 8pm.
Enter Online at www.itftennis.com/ipin andwww.92computing.com.au/tsnswentry.htm.
There will also be some combined doubles events on the Sunday or Monday. Please register for those with the Tournament Director, Arthur Olsen on 0400 525 591 or enter at the tournament desk on the Friday/Saturday of the tournament.
Sadly, Noel Fraser, the President of TSNSW from 2002 to 2008 passed away recently, on September 14. Noel had been suffering from Prostate Cancer for several years and unfortunately the cancer had spread throughout his body. He had been hospitalised in the Muswellbrook Calvary Retirement Village for some time and passed away with Val Angel his long time partner at his side. Some members would know Noel from the tournament in Muswellbrook which he ran in conjunction with Val, and in his healthier years was a regular at most of the country tournaments and captained a team at the Aust teams event every year. His funeral is at St Marks Church, Aberdeen at 2pm this Wednesday