3 Ways to Measure How Fit You Are | Tennis4Life

Exercise tests, heart rate and physical ability can tell you more about your health than the scale ever could.
Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health. But too often, the only measurement people use to evaluate their progress is their weight, which is not the most accurate metric to assess fitness and can be emotionally fraught.
For one thing, muscle is denser than fat, so if you’re doing a lot of strength training, the number on the scale could go up as you work out more. Additionally, research suggests that body size does not necessarily correspond to health.
“Fitness is more important than fatness to your cardiovascular and metabolic health, and your overall risk of morbidity and mortality,” said Lee Stoner, an assistant professor of exercise physiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Fortunately, there are more accurate (and less anxiety-inducing) metrics you can use to assess your health and physical conditioning. Whether you’re a competitive athlete, a weekend warrior or a beginner, below are several expert-recommended ways to gauge your fitness.

MLTC Newsletter 26 March 2023

 Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 26 March 2023

End of Month Friday Mens Doubles

A chance for you to pair up with a friend and play some men’s doubles. When: Friday 31 March 6.30pm till 8.30pm. Please contact Denis.

Positions Vacant

We are looking for a bookkeeper to assist our Treasurer. This is a paid position, the person needs Xero experience and willing to learn how to use the InTennis software. Please let me know if you know of anyone.

Badge Practice Sessions

If Badge Captains would like to organise practice sessions for their teams please contact Denis. Courts will be available from Saturday 1 April. You can always book your own court on Sundays too.

4 courts 11.30 – 1pm, and 2 courts 2.30pm 4pm, 4 courts 4 – 6pm

Before Badge BBQ 

Saturday 15 April.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



2023 Badge Gradings (Final)

SYDNEY BADGE has published the FINAL Badge Gradings for 2023.

MLTC Newsletter 16 March 2023

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter 16th March 2023

In this newsletter, Positions’ Vacant, Men’s Doubles, Badge Practice Times.


Last Friday our social secretary Michelle put together a fun Trivia evening at the Club, it was very much appreciated. Very good questions, we all had to put our heads together to work through the quiz. Coming out on top was Denis international team!

Next event is a BBQ before Badge on Saturday 15th April.

End of Month Friday Men’s Doubles

A chance for you to pair up with a friend and play some men’s doubles. When: Friday 31 March 6.30pm till 8.30pm. Please contact Denis.

Positions Vacant

We are looking for a bookkeeper to assist our Treasurer. This is a paid position, the person needs Xero experience and willing to learn how to use the InTennis software.

We need a bar person to work every Saturday for 5 hours from 29th April. Person needs no experience, training will be given. Club will pay for their RSA if they don’t have one.

Please contact Virginia if you know of anyone to fill these positions.

Charity Day

This Sunday we donate our member’s courts from 9am till 12pm for a Charity Day. This year the charity is donating to Childhood Diabetes.

Badge Practice Sessions

If Badge Captains would like to organise practice sessions for their teams please contact Denis. Courts will be available from Saturday 1 April. You can always book your own court on Sundays too.

4 courts 11.30 – 1pm, and 2 courts 2.30pm 4pm, 4 courts 4 – 6pm


Best wishes,
MLTC Secretary



Tennis Seniors Tournaments 2023

Some changes may occur from time to time as Tennis Club personnel or Tournament Directors can change. Any problems, please contact the Secretary of Tennis Seniors NSW on 0418 402 415.

TSNSW Tournaments

Date Venue Contact Phone Entry Info
Feb 17-19 Ulladulla Summer Games Mary Lou Barclay 0426 828 341 Entry Download Info
Mar 3-5 Walcha R/Robin Betty Sweeney 6777 2120 Entry
Mar 10-12 Narooma R/Robin Roger McEvoy 0429 174 416 Entry
Mar 17-19 Goulburn R/Robin Corey Greenwood 0402 837 794 Entry
Mar 25 – 26 Tennis Macarthur R/R NRT 6 Michael Jackson 0413 632 632 Entry Download Info
Apr 1-2 Inverell Matthew Butler 0408 874 708 Entry
Apr 14-16 Pennant Hills Social R/Robin Michael Jackson 0413 632 632 Entry Download Info
Apr 29 – 30 Bathurst Annual R/R NRT 6 Andrew Mitton 0419 499 467
May 5-7 Picton Seniors R/R NRT 6 Michael Jackson 0413 632 632 Entry
May 12-14 West Port Macquarie Greg McIntosh 265594039 Entry
May 20-21 Howe Park, Singleton Heidi Stanford 0428 165 277
May 27-28 West Tamworth Seniors Brian Brooking 0417 614 054 Entry
June 10-12 Robyn Castle Mixed Teams – Cessnock Rod Clarkin 0411 446 338
June 17-18 Lake Macquarie R/R NRT 7 Keith Williams 0412 157 757
June 23-26 Tweed Heads, ITF MT200 Natasha Kersten 07 5524 3541
June 24-25 Cowra R/Robin Sue Metcalf 0428 348 376
July 7-9 Central Coast R/Robin Craig Edwards 0412 185 130
July 21-23 Gloucester R/R NRT 6 Ruth Johnson 0418 763 041
Aug 4-7 Forster Seniors R/R NRT 5 Brian Adams 0404 955 599
Aug 18-20 Batemans Bay R/Robin Mario Kefalas 0419 779 482
Aug 26-27 Wyong Mixed Teams Leoni Baldwin 0420 556 227
Sep 1-3 Cessnock Seniors’ R/R NRT 7 Gary Brenton 0417 977 940
Sep 9-10 Manning River, Taree Shane Bridger 0429 818 120
Sep 16-17 Northern Suburbs R/R Graeme Sticka 0418 402 415
Sep 16-17 Orange Ex-Services R/Robin Chrissie Kjoller 0403 845 945
Sep 23-24 Gunnedah Seniors Craig Louis (02) 6742 0428
Sep 29-Oct 2 State Championships ITF MT700 Arthur Olsen 0400 525 591
Sep 30 – Oct 2 Bomaderry Mixed Teams Rod Clarkin 0411 446 338
Oct 13-16 Merimbula Annual R/R NRT 6 John Rheinberger 0400 525 591
Oct 13-15 Gosford Round Robin Chris Lees 0411 154 327
Oct 20-22 Dubbo Paramount Seniors Karen Armstrong 0418 636 336
Oct 27-29 East Port Macquarie Greg Alchin 0427 466 760
Nov 3-5 Myall Park – Hawks Nest Lisa Dale 0412 500 055
Nov 10-12 Kiama Vets & Legends David Lehman 0475 857 740
Dec 1-3 Nelson Bay R/R NRT 5 Steve Taylor 0466 154 580

Macarthur Seniors – 25 & 26 March

Entries close 5pm Monday 20th March


Tennis Macarthur looks forward to welcoming back many familiar faces and lots of new ones to its annual seniors tournament later this month.

Tournament Dates:
Saturday 25th March 2023
Sunday 26th March 2023

Michael Jackson
0413 632 632
[email protected]

Scott Blackburn: 40 Years as The Professional Face of the Club

Court size and net height are the only things that have not changed in Tennis Director Scott Blackburn’s 40-year tenure at the Club. What has changed is the way the game is played, due to the wider range of player ages, balls, racquets, clothes and court surfaces.

Developments in racket and string technology mean that tennis can now be played, and played well, from ages 9 to 90. Even so, the true essence of tennis: low intensity exercise, social interaction and friendly competition, remains constant.

A new constant, says Scott, is the accelerating use of mobile phones and social media which is rapidly altering the way we interact, exercise and engage in tennis.  As the public face of the Club, the Manly Tennis Centre (MTC) is using these technologies to make it easier for players to book courts, lessons and competitions.

It’s a far cry from when Scott first held a racquet at the age of ten – introduced to the sport by his father Boyd, a keen social player despite being a footie tragic.

By the age of 15 he was a member of the historic Manly Lawn Tennis Club (MLTC), going on to play 1.1 Badge for the Club on what was then a grass court oasis in the heart of Manly. However times were changing at Manly Lawn and in the late 70s, two of the grass courts were converted to the new synthetic surface. The general public could use these courts, so the hiring of courts and scheduling was handed over to a local Manly sports store.

The young Scott, together with a mate, saw an opportunity. Backed by his experience working part time providing coaching and general management duties at a local Dee Why centre with indoor tennis and squash courts, Scott put a proposal to the MLTC Committee and in February 1983, while still a playing member of the Club, he began the full-time management of the facility, continuing what was to become a 45 year relationship with the Manly Lawn Tennis Club.

By the end of 1984, the grass was gone and all courts were synthetic, opening up the court usage to members and non-members alike, irrespective of time or conditions for play. Scott continued to co-ordinate usage of the courts in conjunction with the Club and under the banner of MTC, developed coaching opportunities and competition programs open to all players.

While Scott’s playing might have slowed a little, as Tennis Director, life continues to pick up the pace. With the recent re-launch of the Manly Tennis Centre post COVID, Scott, his wife General Manager Carmela Blackburn and their support team marry their playing experience with today’s communication technologies to access and fine-tune their programs and services.

Programs which include extended coaching, play and tennis camps for juniors, midweek day and night competitions for men and women, intensive coaching sessions for adults and the holistic Tennis Whisperer program.

“Tennis is a sport for life”, says Scott. “And at MTC it’s tennis for today’s life. Electronic payment facilities, online booking, QR codes (quick response via your smart phone) to get immediate information to determine which program or support service is the one you’re after, are all services we provide to enable you to choose in what ways tennis can best fit into your life.”

Today, after some 40 years at the helm, Scott potentially holds the record as the longest continuous manager of a Club/community tennis facility in NSW, possibly in Australia. He is a well-known and gregarious identity in Manly and has helped position the Club as a critical part of Manly’s local and international attractions, including the Manly Seaside championships

“As a sport, tennis is a fantastic social tool for players at all levels. You can travel anywhere in the world and turn up at a local court for a game,” he says. ”As Tennis Director of the Manly Tennis Centre, I’ve made a lot of great friends.”

Good Luck for the future, Scott!

Pamela Lloyd, Goss Editor, interviewed Scott for this article.