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Badge Rules for Playoffss

Playoff Ties

If the sets and games are tied at the end of 4 rubbers in a playoff match (such as a semi-final or final), the following Badge rules apply:

1. *Tied Sets and Games*: If the semi-final or final match ends in a draw, with both sets won and games won being equal, a tiebreaker is used to determine the winner.

2. *Tiebreaker Procedure*: Both teams will select any two players to play one (1) doubles tiebreaker. This tiebreaker is played to 10 points, with the requirement to win by 2 points.

This ensures that a clear winner is determined in all semi-final and final matches.

Injured Player

If a player is injured during a semi-final match, the rules specify the following procedures:

1. *Retirement from a Rubber*: If a player is injured and forced to retire from a rubber, they cannot return to the court to play any other rubber in that match unless both captains agree, acting reasonably, that the player can return for a different rubber.

2. *Forfeiture of Sets and Points*: All incomplete or un-played sets at the time of the injury will be forfeited. The non-injured player or team will be awarded all points for these incomplete or un-played sets.

3. *Replacement of Injured Player*: An injured player may be replaced for their second rubber only during a semi-final or finals match. The replacement player must be a Base Player who has previously been listed in that team and is eligible to play in the finals. However, the injured player can only be replaced for the second rubber if the first rubber was forfeited due to the injury. The injured player cannot be replaced after completing their first rubber.

These rules ensure that the integrity of the competition is maintained while also providing a mechanism for teams to manage unexpected injuries during critical matches like semi-finals.

Source: Final-2024-Badge-Rules

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