MLTC Newsletter – 9 Sept 2024

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 9 Sept 2024

Badge Wrap Up

Tennis NSW Sydney Badge Season wraps up, I am thrilled to relflect on an outstanding year of competition and sportsmanship. With 11 out of our 15 teams making it to the semifinals we exceeded all our expectations and proved once again the our club is a force to be reckoned with. This is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and team spirit shown by every player on the court.
A special congratulations goes to our captains for their leadership and their tireless efforts in guiding their teams through a challenging and exciting season. Your dedication has been instrumental in driving these remarkable results.
To the players, thank you for representing the club with pride, resilience and teamwork. You have each played a pivotal role in making this season one to remember. Let’s celebrate these accomplishments and look forward to building on this success in the next season.
Thank you to Denis Crowley who provided the wrap up of the week for all the men’s teams throughout the Badge Season.
Saturday Finals: 
From our 4 finalists, 1 team persisted maintaining resilience and  holding their nerve on 4 tiebreaker sets in the final to come away with a win 5-3 against a undefeated Chatwswood team.
Ladies Division 4 
Congratulations to Manly Ladies 4 for winning Division 4 this year, Team Captain Kate Platter, team members : Noriko Goto, Fiona Bevan, Ruth Jarvis, Susan Minihane, Rosi Winn, Rachel Williams, and Narelle Kinsey.
The final 4 : Noriko Goto, Kate Platter, Rachel Williams and Ruth Jarvis, shout out to Rosi Winn, who came to the semis and finals in the event o an injury and ready to play.
Noriko and Kate 3 sets and Ruth and Rachel 2 sets.
Mens Division 4
Manly Men’s 3, losing 5 -1 against Kooroora Men’s 5,
A tough match against the team first on the table.
Jon Corney and Daniel Glynn taking one set.
Ladies Division 2 (Saturday)
Manly Ladies 2 losing 6-0, against a very strong Eastern Suburbs team.
Ladies Division 2 (Thursday)
Manly Ladies 2 losing 7-1 against Cooper Park.
As the 2024 badge season has closed out, social is back on ….
Looking forward to everyone joining in on all courts from 1pm till 4pm.
Club Championships 
We are now preparing for the Manly Lawn Tennis Club Championships.
Entries will open in the next week, for all events, Singles, Mixed and Doubles.
Depending on the number of entries, Robin Robin or competition draw.  Further details to follow.
Seniors Tournaments and NSW State Masters Tournaments: 
Entries are now open for the NSW State Championships over the October Long Weekend.
Anyone wishing to play needs to register through the ITF website. We had a nice contingent in the 2023 Championships, looking forward to seeing a few more of our players this year.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary