Entries by manly_admin

Annual Club Championships Entries Close 17 Oct

Entries for the club championships are closing.  Events are: Open Men’s singles and doubles Open Ladies singles and doubles Open Mixed doubles A grade Men’s singles and doubles A grade Ladies singles and doubles A grade Mixed doubles. Open grades are for everyone. A-Grade is Badge Division 7 or lower for Men; Division 4 or lower […]

Frozen Shoulder: Causes & Treatment | Tennis4Life

Frozen shoulder, more correctly known as adhesive capsulitis (AC), is a common cause of shoulder pain and loss of shoulder joint motion in the over 40s.    In ‘primary’ cases of AC, there is no significant reason for the onset pain or stiffness, whereas secondary AC can occur following an injury, trauma, surgery or illness.  […]

MLTC Newsletter 12Oct

Club Championships Reminder to sign up on the website for the upcoming championships. Closing date 17th October.  Signup Link The events will be: Open Mens and Ladies Singles and Doubles Open Mixed Doubles.  (Open to all players) A Mens and Ladies Singles and Doubles, A Mixed Doubles.  (Men Division 7 or lower and non Badge […]

Term 4 Badge Competition CANCELLED

With the recent release of the roadmap and Tennis NSW having a better understanding of the situation ahead it is with great regret we have made the decision to cancel the Term 4 Badge Competition. This means that the teams that were placed first at round 9 will be declared winners of each of the […]

Tendon health & antibiotic impacts | Tennis4Life

There’s steadily accumulating evidence that one particular group of commonly prescribed antibiotics called ‘fluoroquinolones’ might be implicated in rapid-onset tendon degeneration, exposing sportsmen and women to an increased risk of tendonitis or even tendon rupture. A recent article in Sports Performance Bulletin looks at the risk of tendon rupture that fluoroquinolone antibiotics pose and explains […]

Annual Club Championships Entries Now Open

Entries for the club championships are now open.  Events are: Open Men’s singles and doubles Open Ladies singles and doubles Open Mixed doubles A grade Men’s singles and doubles A grade Ladies singles and doubles A grade Mixed doubles. Open grades are for everyone. A-Grade is Badge Division 7 or lower for Men; Division 2 or […]

COVID-19 Community Sport Update | NSW OfficeOfSport

The NSW Government has announced the roadmap from easing restrictions as NSW reaches the 80 per cent double dose target. From the Monday after NSW hits the 80 per cent (aged 16 and over) double dose vaccination target, eased restrictions will allow those who are fully vaccinated to have up to 10 people visit their […]

COVID-19 102 cases | Manly, NSW

THE number of Covid-19 cases in the northern beaches has risen to triple digits again, with 102 infected people. Last week the numbers were hovering around the mid 60s, but after no data from NSW Health for a few days cases have shot back up, the report to 8pm on Monday shows. The highest number […]

Club Newsletter – 20/9/2021 | MLTC

Doubles reminders As you will see if you open the link to Tennis NSW https://www.tennis.com.au/nsw/news/2021/09/17/covid-19-update-as-at-17-september, many tennis venues are still not allowing doubles as they aren’t able to check proof of double vaccinations. We are extremely fortunate that MTC staff have been willing to do this both for our members and the general public and we […]


Dear NSW tennis community Firstly, we hope that you are all keeping well and safe during these challenging times. We thank you for your patience as we have been examining the current Public Health Order and the impacts on tennis activity throughout NSW. Tennis NSW has been overwhelmed with requests from the community around the […]