Entries by manly_admin

Club Social Tennis Restarts

Now the lockdown has been lifted from the Manly area, social tennis for members is back to as it was before the lockdown. Please take note of social distancing and sign in as you enter/sign out when leaving the club using our QR code. Thank you. Cheers Virginia Longfellow Secretary MLTC

Update on Restrictions 2 January 2021 | NSW Government

Given the risk of COVID-19 transmission on the Northern Beaches and across Greater Sydney (including Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains), the following adjustments are being made. From midnight tonight, the southern zone of the Northern Beaches will be subject to the same restrictions as Greater Sydney. Restrictions for the northern zone of the Northern […]

Tennis Centre Reopens

The rules now state that tennis is allowed – see link … Outdoor recreation activities: If you are living or staying in the Northern Beaches, you may leave your home for outdoor recreation activities. Outdoor recreation includes activity that supports mental, physical or emotional wellbeing. This includes picnics, golf, tennis, water-based activities (swimming, boating, jet-skiing, […]

Update on the restrictions for the Christmas 2020 period | NSW Government

Published: 26 December 2020 Released by: The Premier FacebLinkedIn We thank the community, particularly on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, for their efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 this Christmas period. Modest adjustments to restrictions allowed the community to enjoy Christmas in challenging circumstances, but it is important to remember that COVID-19 may still be circulating in […]

Restrictions for the Christmas 2020 period

Published: 23 December 2020 Given the current health situation on the Northern Beaches and taking into account updated health advice from Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant, the Northern Beaches have been separated into two zones, and restrictions have been modestly modified for the Christmas period. On December 24, 25 and 26, the following conditions will […]

Restrictions for Northern Beaches residents, businesses and visitors

From 5pm today 19 Dec, public health orders will enforce the stay at home advisory previously issued. This will require the closing of hospitality venues and function centres in the Northern Beaches Local Government Area, until 11.59pm on Wednesday (subject to health advice), with the exception of takeaways. Gyms and places of worship will also […]