Entries by manly_admin

Badge Score Board: Round 1

Badge Results Rd  1 Jun-06 Ladies Division Result Score Position Manly 1 1 Lost 3-5 6 Manly 2 3 Won 4-3 3 Mens Division Result Score Position Manly 1 1 Lost 1-7 8 Manly 2 4 Lost 2-5 4 Manly 3 4 Won 8-0 1 Manly 4 4 Won 6-2 2 Manly 5 7 Draw […]

Badge Report: Round 1

It was great to see a big crowd back at the club on Saturday to witness some excellent tennis in both Mens and Ladies Badge Matches. Both Division 1 Ladies and Mens matches were high quality games and our teams went down in both after some long sets. The bar was busy and Tony Hamilton […]

Revised Badge Draws Posted

The REVISED draws for all Mens and Ladies Badge competitions have been published. Please note that the draws are still subject to change.  Team captains should check for any changes prior to ANY match.Navigating the TNSW web site is frustrating at best….definitely not user friendly….  To ease the pain, here’re the direct links for our Manly […]

Here’s How Nadal Plays Tennis Like A Chess Grandmaster

Rafa dictates patterns of play in 5-8 shot rallies The perfect storm in a tennis match is Rafael Nadal hitting either three of four balls into the court. Not more. Not less.  Just three or four moves is all it takes for the Spaniard to lure his opponents into checkmate. An Infosys ATP Beyond The […]

Updates to Tennis Community Play Guidelines

Following on from the most recent easing of restrictions on the 15 May, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank our tennis family in acknowledging and implementing the recommended guidelines and your continued observance to the public health orders. We’re also pleased to hear that the resources provided have been well received and that they […]

Thursday Ladies Badge Competition – Recommencement

In response to our previous announcement regarding the Badge Competition re-commencing on Saturday 6th June, we are happy to provide further detail on the Thursday Competition. Please see information below. COMMENCEMENT: ·         Thursday Ladies Competition will commence play on Thursday, 11th June. PLAYING DATES: ·         The revised competition will be played over 16 weeks. (15 rounds + Grand Final) […]

Coronavirus Testing Basics

You’ve probably heard a lot about coronavirus testing recently. There are two different types of tests –diagnostic tests and antibody tests. A diagnostic test can show if you have an active coronavirus infection and should take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others. An antibody test looks for antibodies that are made by the immune […]


Good news for all our members with Badge to begin on June 6 and continue each Saturday with no breaks. Finals day will be September 19. There are restrictions with no socializing afterwards and other safety measures. Hopefully before June 6 restrictions maybe eased a little more.  All Badge players are asked to comply fully. Any breach […]

Sydney Badge Recommences June 6

Due to recent announcements from Government and in line with the new Guidelines for community play released by Tennis NSW, we are pleased to announce the recommencement of the Sydney Badge Competition to commence on SATURDAY, 6th JUNE. The details of the competition will be as follows: 16-week competition, commencing on SATURDAY, 6th JUNE with […]

Limited Doubles Play Starts Saturday 16 May

Dear Members, As of this Friday, 15th May, the New South Wales government have advised that a number of restrictions will be lifted in regards to social gathering and outdoor recreation. Core to this is the allowing of outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people. Please note that we are still awaiting the final Public […]