Entries by manly_admin

NSW Health: Self Isolation Guidelines

Self Isolation Guidelines for Travellers coming to or returning to NSW from an overseas destination. These Guidelines apply to any person affected by the Order issued by the Minster for Health and Medical Research on 16 March 2020, under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010.

BADGE – Postponed until 30th April at earliest

Further to our communication of last week, I wish to provide you with an update regarding the 2020 Sydney Badge Competition. As communicated previously, all Sydney Badge Competition matches have been postponed based on the best interests of both the public health system and in the interest of player safety & wellbeing in relation to […]

Vale Kevin Fox

Local tennis legend and previous club member, Kevin Fox, passed away peacefully on 12 March, aged 96 years young. Kevin was a loving husband to Ruth (dec) for 68 years and beloved father of Ros and Ian. A memorial service will be held at the War Veteran’s Village Chapel Collaroy Plateau when the social gathering […]

COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play

Please be aware the information below is correct at the time of publication (18Mar20) but this is a fast moving and fluid situation.  Please continue to check the Tennis NSW website for ongoing updates. As outlined in the Tennis Australia/Tennis NSW statement on Friday 13 March, all TNSW/TA sanctioned and operated events, tournaments and competitions will continue to […]

MLTC – Social Play during the COVID 19 virus

Dear Members You would now be aware that the 2020 Badge is currently postponed indefinitely due to the recent issue with the COVID 19 virus. While all members should now be aware of the appropriate precautions that people need to undertake to combat COVID 19 – no handshakes, washing hands regulatory , disinfecting hands where […]


Further to the statement released on Friday 13th March, confirming that effective immediately, all Tennis Australia and Tennis NSW operated and sanctioned events, competitions and tournaments are postponed until further notice, we wish to provide some further insight and clarity on the contents of the statement and provide answers to some additional questions that have arisen […]

COVID Badge Cancellation Followup

Hello Badge Delegates, Whilst I am sure most of you have received the relevant announcement regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I am happy to provide some further clarification. The relevant policy statement sent from Tennis NSW & Tennis Australia is attached below. This information was sent to all Sydney Badge Team Captains, Club Delegates and Players […]

Badge Cancelled Until Further Notice.

Badge Captains and Delegates, We wish to advise, after careful consideration and taking all relevant advice, Tennis Australia and all Member Associations have taken the decision to cancel all sanctioned and organised events with immediate effect. This was a difficult decision but taken in the best interests of the public health system in the short […]

Sydney Badge Guide & Rules

Sydney Badge, the oldest tennis competition in the Sydney Metro area has multiple grades on offer. The competition caters to 1200 + players of all ages, levels and abilities. Games are played home and away at Tennis NSW Member Clubs and Facilities across the Greater Sydney Metropolitan area. Information  Thursday Factsheet Saturday Factsheet To view […]