Entries by manly_admin

Badge Begins this Saturday Mar 14

Badge Begins this Saturday so good luck to all teams. We have  strong Division 1 Ladies and Division 1 Mens’ Teams this year with 3  Mens’ Teams in Division 4. All these Teams are capable of making the finals. Our Ladies Team 2 and our Mens’ Teams 5 6 7 and 8 are all in lower […]

2020 Indian Wells Tournament cancelled

2020 BNP Paribas Open Will Not Be Held! The Riverside County Public Health Department has declared a public health emergency for the Coachella Valley after a confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) locally. As a result, the 2020 BNP Paribas Open will not take place at this time due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus and the […]

2020 Wimbledon and French Open Ticket Ballots

One of the exclusive benefits of being a member of our tennis community is the opportunity to enter the 2020 Wimbledon and French Open ticket ballots. Members MUST COMPLETE the Ballot Opt-In Form below to receive a unique access code for the 2020 Wimbledon and French Open ticket ballots. Click here to complete the Opt-In […]

Sydney Surf Pro

Sun 8 – Sat 14 MarManly Beachfront See some of the world’s best surfers, including our very own Jordi Lawler, battle it out. Featuring fun side serves of Kombi Rally and Aloha Alley. A World Surf League event sponsored by NB’s Council.  Learn more

MLTC Newsletter: Badge Update

Badge News Ladies Thursday Badge begins this week. Our Ladies team has an away match at Royal Sydney. Good luck to our Thursday Ladies. While the Saturday Badge draws have been posted, they should be finalised this week.  PLEASE remember to check  the venue and time for your match each week as it can change […]

Ask the Pro: Dubs 101

Here’s a quick guide to the art of doubles play: Manage the ‘real estate’ by understanding the 80% Rule.  80% of shots are in a 2-metre circle around the centre serve box!  Given a choice to defend always move to protect the centre of the court.  You might not make the shot even so you’ll […]

Finding a way to win! Inside The Joker’s Head @AO

Djokovic won his 17th Grand Slam at the Australian Open. And while I’m not a fan, there are some key lessons for us tragics! Conventional wisdom tells us that on big points, we should play to our strengths. Djokovic admitted that when the big points came in the AO final, he did the opposite. Both […]

Could a Keto Diet Be Bad for Athletes’ Bones?

Race walkers on a low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet showed early signs indicative of bone loss. A low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet could alter bone health in athletes, according to a thought-provoking new study of elite race walkers and their skeletons. The study, one of the first to track athletes during several weeks of intense training, finds […]