Seniors Tournaments 2020 Schedule Updated

CALENDAR – Program of EVENTS 2020 @ 19October

Whilst there has been significant easing of restrictions , please check with the Tournament Directors BEFORE making any bookings for Accommodation


  • October 16-18 Gosford District TC Chris Lees 0411 154 327

  • November 5-6 Hawks Nest Lisa Dale 0412 500 055

  • November 14-15 Bathurst Carillon City Andrew Mitton 0419 499 467

  • November 14-15 West Tamworth Brian Brooking 0417 614 054

  • December 4-6 “ Dave Matthews” Nelson Bay Stephen Taylor 0466 154 580

Source: TennisSeniors

Club Championships Draws Posted


Draws for the Annual Club Championships:











Thank you to Dean Hodgson for preparing the draws!

Good luck to all competitors.

MLTC Annual Report 2020

The 48thANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the Manly Lawn Tennis Club Ltd are attached.

MLTC Annual Report 2020 final

MLTC Annual Report 2020 Financial Statements

Copies of the Financial Statements have been posted on the club’s notice board.

Virginia Longfellow
MLTC Secretary



MLTC Klub Komp Starts Thurs Oct 29

Entries are now open for new 💥Thursday afternoon social comp starting October 29 for 5 weeks from 3.30 – 5pm.💥

We have two courts reserved, so we need 4 pairs to commit to 5 weeks on a Thursday afternoon at the above times. 

Players may enter as ladies doubles, mixed doubles or men’s double pairs.

Format: 3 set matches. Each set won earns you 2 points plus one point for the win. Total 7 points for a 3 set win. If sets are incomplete points will be allocated for sets won only. You will play each team twice with the  last week as play offs for places.🏆

Sign up below online by October 22. Draw will be available by October 27.

There are a very limited number of teams so sign up quickly as it is first in best dressed!!

Looking forward to a competitive Thursday afternoon.🎾😁

Melinda Gray
Komp Captain

Relaxed Restrictions for Outdoor Dining from 16 Oct

13 October 2020

The new restrictions will allow hospitality venues with outdoor areas and outdoor seated music performances to increase capacity in a COVID Safe way. 

The eased restrictions will start from Friday 16 October 2020. Under the new rules:

  • hospitality venues can allow one person for every two square metres for outdoor areas. This previously was one person per four square metres
  • up to 500 people can attend outdoor seated music performances and rehearsals for venues complying with the four square metre rule. This previously was a total of 20 people.

All businesses and venues must use electronic methods such as QR codes to record and keep contact details.

Restaurants, cafes and bars that have outdoor seating sections will be able to increase capacity in a COVID Safe way with the relaxed two square metre rule. 

Venues and organisers of outdoor music performances and rehearsals must have a COVID Safety Plan in place. 

Source: NSW Govn


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Clubhouse, corner of Raglan and Belgrave Streets, Manly on Saturday 7th November 2020 at 4pm.


  1. To confirm and sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Saturday 21st December, 2019.
  2. Business arising from the minutes.
  3. Presentation of Annual Report from the President.
  4. Secretary’s Report.
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. To receive and consider the Profit and Loss Accounts, the Balance Sheets and the Report of the Directors.
  7. To elect the Directors: President, two Vice – Presidents, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary.
  8. To elect the members of the Committee: Assistant Hon. Secretary/Treasurer, Social Secretary, Club Captain, Assistant Club Captain, and other Honorary positions in accordance with Clause 40. To elect Badge team selectors in accordance with Clause 46
  9. Life Membership – Ron Jeffs
  10. To confirm the appointment of Hall Jackson Pty Ltd as the company Auditors for the current financial year.
  11. Approval of annual honorariums for the Secretary, Club Captain, Bar Manager and Treasurer.
  12. To transact any other business which, under the Constitution of the Company, may be transacted at an Annual General Meeting.
  13. Any other business

Saturday Social Court Captain Roster, Club Championships, Message from Paul, Reminders


September 26 – December 19, 2020

Sept 26            Ron Jeffs                      Ian Bate

Oct 3               Denis Crowley             David Bowen

Oct 10             Julie Porteous             Michelle Stevens

Oct 17-31        Club Championships

Nov 7               Tony Hamilton            Des Tempany

Nov 14             Virginia Longfellow     Bob Hill

Nov 21             Peter Roberts             Narelle Kinsey

Nov 28             Milton da Rocha         Carl Brazendale

Dec 5               Craig Withell               Scott Anderson

Dec 12             Hugo Stegmann          Mark Flogel

Dec 19             Jon Corney                  Peter Butcher

Court Captains operate 1pm-4pm. Members playing before 1pm and after 4pm arrange their own sets.

Diary your allotted date now. Should you be unavailable on your rostered date, you must arrange your own replacement.

VISITORS: During COVID, visitors are NOT permitted. The exception is anyone trialling with the aim of joining the Club. $20 fee to be collected prior to playing.


Members your fees are now due, to be eligible to play you must be a financial member.


Congratulations to the winners and well done to all the other teams for representing the club throughout the season. I was there in spirit. I am hoping that one day soon I can make a long awaited appearance at the old club. Best regards to all Paul.


A reminder there are two courts available for members’ use from 7am -9am on Wednesdays. You need to book through Manly Tennis Centre.

Thursday Ladies Badge Celebrate 3rd Place

Our Thursday Ladies Badge Team finished off a successful season by winning the playoff 5-3 on Thursday for 3rd position in Division 2.

Narelle and Jane won all 4 sets and Lindy and Michelle won 1 set to complete the victory.

Thanks also to Pam Muir and Erin who were also part of the team.

Congrats on a good season ladies.

Jane, Narelle, Lindy, Michelle. Not shown Pam, Erin.

Girls from Manly 2 Celebrate

Manly Ladies 2 won the third place playoff. Congrats Ladies on a great Badge season.

Saturday Ladies Badge Manly 2

Badge Finals

Our Men’s 3 Team in Division 4 finished the Badge Season in grand style by winning easily 6 sets to 2 in the Final on Saturday at Manly. Steve Nettleton/Steve Wilkins won their 4 sets to complete a fantastic season for them. Milton/Howard won the first 2 sets that mattered and lost the last two when the match was already decided. Steve Nettleton also won the trophy for Best Men’s Average in Badge with 88%. Steve Wilkins was a close 2nd with Cameron Green at 86%. This team has been a standout all year and will certainly go up to Division 3 next year and perform well there also.

Our Ladies 2 Team in Division 3 also had a big 6-2 win on Saturday to take 3rd place. Krista/Olivia kept up their good form to win 3 sets as did Kristina/Sharna. Krista also won Ladies Badge Average with 70% just ahead of Olivia and Kristina. The ladies were unlucky to not make the final as they defeated both teams in the final during the rounds. They have had a fantastic season.

A big crowd was in attendance on Saturday to watch both matches. It was great to see Owen Kennedy there to watch the finals. He has not been in great health lately but was happy to see Manly win both matches. Paul Wigney was there in spirit also and will be happy with the results.

Thursday Ladies will playoff for third position this week in their final match.Good luck to them. Narelle Kinsey has done a great job organising the Thursday Ladies this year and was awarded The Club Captain Award for her hard work and topping the averages on Thursday.

Club Championships

THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE OPEN ON LINE NOW SO SIGN UP EARLY. Scheduled dates are October 17, 18, 24 and 25 with Finals day on October 31 — COVID permitting.

Denis Crowley
Club Captain

Legends in Their Own Lunchtimes: Manly “Silverbacks” Win Sydney Badge Grade 1.4

Headed by the two Steves (Netto/Wilko), winners of the grade’s best pair averages,  the team led from start to finish for the entire competition.

In front of an enthusiastic, partisan home crowd, the team won last Saturday’s Final, 6 sets to 2 against Neutral Bay 4, with Netto/Wilko taking 4 sets and Howard/Milton 2 sets.

Success has many fathers, as they say. And this was very true of this team of legends, with ALL of the seven team members (Netto (c), Craig, Howard, Milton, Robbo, Rob and Wilko) making contributions throughout the 14-match competition.

Thanks must go to the many supporters including legendary friends Ken Grey, Curtis, JC, Foxy and “Magic Fingers” (aka David Stroud of Trident) cheering energetically from the sideline not only on Saturday but throughout the majority of matches — thanks guys!

Perhaps the greatest off-court contribution came from personal trainer “Magic Fingers”, who kept the Legends on court by managing various injuries, some not due to tennis, suffered during the competition –- thanks Dave!

And let’s not forget Jon Corney who not only filled in for the team when we had 4 sidelined with injury; but also produced the end of badge buffet on Saturday, whilst Milton was otherwise engaged – thanks Jon!

Pictured below are the Legends sans Magic Fingers and Jon Corney.

Manly Silverbacks 2020

Congratulations to Manly 4 Men’s Team winning Sydney Badge Grade 1.4.

MLTC Badge Best & Fairest

Congrats are in order for:

Men: Steve Netto & Steve Wilko (Manly Team 4)
Ladies: Krista Oates (Ladies Team 2)

Well done on your success and a great 2020 Badge season.