Web Site Changes

Following the ownership transfer of the Manly Tennis Centre (MTC),  MTC has established its own independent website. You can find it here: https://manlytenniscentre.com.au/.
Consequently, the Manly Lawn website has now been revised to incorporate these updates. You’ll will notice some changes in the Menu choices.
The Tennis Whisperer section, previously part of Manly Tennis Centre subdomain, has relocated to its new digital home at www.tenniswhisperer.com.  This website teaches tennis strategy to players of various ages and skill levels.
Our profound gratitude goes to the professionals, coaches, playing partners, and cherished friends
who have generously shared their tennis knowledge and experiences over the course of five decades.
These invaluable insights form the foundation of the strategies outlined in this new website.


OPEN MEN’S DOUBLES WINNERS:  Warren Green and Cameron Green

OPEN MEN’S SINGLES RUNNER UP: Cameron Green (2022 Winner)

OPEN WOMEN’S DOUBLES WINNERS: Lisa Green and Caroline Bhaguandas


When two young tennis players, one from England and the other from South Africa, met on the UK tennis circuit in the late ‘80s, it was the beginning of the remarkable, now local, sporting Green family.

Lisa grew up in England with parents who played tennis. Warren built on his tennis as a student at the University of Capetown, and was called on to represent the South African defence force in tennis instead of two years compulsory national service fighting in Angola.  At ages 19 and 24 respectively, Lisa and Warren met on the UK circuit.

Warren played doubles and mixed doubles, and Lisa played singles at Wimbledon. Warren ranked in the top 150 in doubles and also played in the US Open, while Lisa ranked in the top 250 in singles.

At the age of 24, Lisa moved to South Africa to marry Warren.

Elder son Chris was born, followed three years later by younger son Cameron. Unsurprisingly both boys were keen sportsmen and both parents wanted them to be well-rounded in sport. Along with the tennis in their genes, other sports including cricket were a part of the boys’ lives growing up.

In 2001, when Chris was 7 and Cam 4, the family Green moved from Johannesburg to Australia and fell in love with the country and with Manly.  Although settled on the North Shore, they always knew they’d come back to the Manly area, and have now been living in Fairlight for the past 9 years. In February, the Greens will have been living in Australia for 23 years.

With education a major focus of both parents, both boys completed business degrees, but sport has remained an abiding passion for the Green family.  Today, Chris’ commitment to cricket sees him as current Acting Captain of BBL cricket team Sydney Thunder and he was recently called up to replace Adam Zampa in the national squad playing the T20 series against India. As a tennis player, Chris has also occasionally partnered with his father Warren in his MLTC Badge team.

Younger brother Cam always knew tennis was the sport for him. In Year 11 he decided he would study in the USA on a tennis scholarship. He subsequently gained entry to Furman College, a Division 1 South Carolina school, after which he played for 18 months on the tour. When COVID hit, 2020 saw him back in Australia coaching tennis and he currently works as a mergers and acquisition analyst. Cam was last year’s MLTC’s Open Men’s Singles champion and for both Green boys, tennis has provided a good introduction to life and in Cam’s case, an easy transition to a business career.

Photo: House Green: L to R   Lisa, Chris, Cameron and Warren Green

‘Goss’ Editor: Pamela Muir

MLTC Newsletter – Tuesday 19th December

 Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter

Saturday Social Christmas Cheer

This Saturday 23rd December is our last social hit of the season, so get into the spirit and deck yourself out in your best Christmas gear. Prize for the best-dressed elf. Jungle jingle!

Seaside Update – 26-31 Dec

Registrations for the Seaside Champs have now officially closed with 320 entries – a huge increase on last year! It’s the 90th anniversary of the Seaside this year and it’s great to have such a strong field of players which includes lots of familiar faces. We look forward to seeing many members there and wish the best of luck to all those who are playing.

Helpers still needed

We still need a few more volunteers to help with sign-in on the door at the Seaside, greeting people as they arrive at the club and checking non-members sign in using the QR code to meet Liquor Licensing requirements. No qualifications necessary – just a friendly face! If you’re available for a couple of hours between 26 and 31st December, please click here to sign up.

Follow MLTC on social

Our Facebook and Instagram pages are back on court! Follow us for the latest club news, events, results and member profiles.

Facebook (www.facebook.com/manlylawn)

Instagram (www.instagram.com/manlylawntennis)

Seniors Tournament – Ulladulla 16th – 18th Feb 2024

Entries are filling fast for the Ulladulla Seniors Tournament in February and a crew of Manly members are heading down to play. Registrations will close as soon as the draw is full so click here to enter ASAP if you’d like to play. Please let Christine know if you’ve registered and would like to be included in the Manly group.

Discount for Members at RECOVERIE

You may have seen the new blue branded ‘Recoverie’ centre across the road from the club at 29 Belgrave Street. They offer a range of wellness and recovery therapies including hot and cold pools, sauna, dynamic leg compression and more. The new owner Dave is very happy to offer MLTC members a $20 discount off their intro offer so instead of $89 for 2 weeks, it’s only $69 which gets you 6 x 30min sessions each week for 2 weeks (does not include use of the hyperbaric chamber or the private suite in the intro offer). He’s also happy to offer 20% discount on their other packages.

Head over to their website at https://www.recoverie.com.au/manly for more details, call into the shop or call Dave on 0406 613453 and let them know you are a member at Manly Lawn. Happy recovering…!!


We wish all members and their families a very Merry Christmas & look forward to seeing you at the club!

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



MLTC Newsletter – 4 Dec 2023

 Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 4 Dec 2023

Minutes from AGM, Survey, Racquet Demo, Carols and Tennis, Nelson’s Bay Senior’s Tournament

Minutes of AGM 25 Nov 2023

Dear Members click here to read the minutes of our AGM

Building Work’s Survey

If you have not yet responded, please use this link below to give your feedback by Wed this week (6th Dec).

The Committee identified five building works projects which were presented at the AGM. We ask all members use the link below to give us your top 2 priorities on which building works you would like to happen first. 

Please click here to complete the survey  – https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VFBZLCX


DEADLINE: Wednesday 6 December. The Committee will discuss next steps at our December meeting. Thank you!

Wilson Racquet Demo

If you missed out on Saturday to try out the Wilson racquets they are at the pro shop till Friday so just ask and you will be welcome to try them.

Carols and Tennis ????????

This Thursday 07 December is the Annual Christmas Choral Concert at Manly Oval, come down for social tennis starting at 6pm, enjoy the carols and stay for a Chrissy drink.

Manly Seaside

Clarke and Humel Manly Seaside entries are open and close on 16 Dec. The tournament starts on 26th Dec and runs till 31st Dec.

Click here to enter the tournament

We need volunteers to help with signing in at the door you don’t need an RSA just a welcoming face to ask people to sign in. Milton has put together a google docs go in and put your name down if you can help.

Sign up link click here

 Club Captain’s Report –Nelson’s Bay Senior’s Tournament

Over the past weekend 4 ladies including myself played in the Nelson’s Bay seniors tournament ,Carolina Pena y Lilo, Shelley Parsons, Virginia Longfellow and myself.
We were reacquainted with many players from Saturday ladies Badge, as well as a number of other players from the northern beaches.
Friday events included the age singles and American doubles. Both Carolina and Virginia won their respective age groups in the singles. Carolina and Shelley Parsons both Runners up in their age groups for American Doubles.
Saturday’s events were the age doubles, with both teams Shelley and Carolina and Virginia and myself winning in our respective age groups.
Sunday followed with the combined age doubles with Virginia and myself again winning our age group.
The Ulladulla seniors event is on 17th – 19th of February – and it would be fantastic to see more of our members representing our club at these championships.
This event is very popular and closes quickly, and I would suggest if you would like to play, pop your entry in soon.
Please find the link for information and entry form for this event HERE
Please let me know if you are going to play in this event. If you are playing doubles – both players need to register and as well be members of Seniors Tennis NSW .
Please see the link for registering yourself.
Looking forward to seeing  you at the courts on Saturday.


Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



MLTC Newsletter 2 Dec 2023

 Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 2 Dec 2023

Racquet Demo, Tennis + Carols, Seaside

Racquet Demo Today

Wilson have given us their full range of demo racquets for customers and club members at Manly and Keirle Park Tennis to try out over the next couple of weeks (one week starting today at Manly Lawn and the following week at Keirle Park).

Wilson are also giving 20% off the full range for any racquets ordered before the 15th of December.

Luke will drop by today between 12.30 and 2.30pm he can help you if you have any questions.


Tennis and Carols

This Thursday 07 December is the Annual Christmas Choral Concert at Manly Oval, come down for social tennis starting at 6pm, enjoy the carols and stay for a Chrissy drink. ????????

Manly Seaside

Clarke and Humel Manly Seaside entries are open and close on 16 Dec. The tournament starts on 26th Dec and runs till 31st Dec.

Click here to enter the tournament

We need volunteers to help with signing in at the door or working behind the bar if you have your RSA. Milton has put together a google docs go in and put your name down if you can help.

Sign up link click here

Best wishes,
MLTC Secretary



MLTC Newsletter – 21 Nov 2023

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter 21 Nov 2023

AGM, Christmas Party, Club Champs

MLTC AGM – This Saturday 25th November  3.30 pm

Members should be aware this year’s AGM is to be held this Saturday at the Club at 3.30pm 

It is important that members try and attend as it is their chance to hear and discuss the outlook for the Club. The meeting will include a run down on proposed expenditure on future projects to further upgrade the Clubs facilities.

Voting at the AGM

This year, we have more than one member nominating for certain committee positions. As a result two votes will be required at this year’s AGM – one for club captain and one for the three general members of the committee. 

To avoid any confusion on the day l would like to take this opportunity to remind members that only “Ordinary Members” as defined in the MLTC constitution are eligible to vote.  Social, Junior and Sponsored members are ineligible to vote. 

Additionally, it should be noted that since all committee positions have been nominated for there can be no nominations from the floor on the day. Nominations for Men’s selectors can still be taken from the floor on the day as there are unfilled positions. The Ladies selector’s nominations have already reached a maximum allowed of five.

Proxy votes are not permitted under our constitution.

If you have any questions re your eligibility to vote or any other questions, please contact our Club Secretary Virginia Longfellow.

See you on the day

Craig Withell


Christmas Party
Following the AGM, we will have a variety of games for our members and their guests to join in on. So come dressed with sensible shoes and comfortable clothing. 
You will be able to play mini tennis, dartboard soccer, giant Jenga, Finska and more.
Food served at 6pm, followed by drinking and dancing. 
Club Championships

To all the players thank you for your sportsmanship displayed over the last 6 weeks in the 2023 Club Championships.,

We have been privileged to watch great matches across all events, and Sunday’s matches were no exception.

Congratulations to our winners on Sunday:

Open Men’s Singles : Andrew Riminton defeating Cameron Green in 3 sets.

Open Ladies Singles : Ruby Quigley defeating Caroline Bhaguandas in two sets.

Open Men’s Doubles : Cameron and Warren Green defeating Todd Maloney and Sam Withell in two sets

Open Ladies Doubles : Lisa Green & Caroline Bhaguandas defeating Maria Nicol and Ruby Quigley in three sets.

Best Regards,

Christine Thompson

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



COOPER PARK: Residents fight not to share tennis courts because plan will ‘attract noisy children’

Plans to allow sports such as netball and pickleball to use tennis courts in Sydney’s eastern suburbs have been dumped after residents claimed it would attract children and generate noise.
Woollahra Municipal Council will hold a new tender process to find an operator for the Cooper Park tennis courts in Woollahra following strong opposition to a proposal to share the facility with other sports.
Councillors this month rejected the advice of council staff to hand a seven-year lease to Sydney Sports Management Group, which operates a number of tennis centres and displayed “a better program of multi-court uses”.

MLTC Newsletter – 15 Nov 2023

 Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 15 Nov 2023
MLTC Christmas Party – Sat 25th Nov
RSVP & payment must be made by THIS SATURDAY – 18th November
We’d love you to join us for a fun afternoon and evening. Schedule:
  • 3.30pm – AGM
  • Followed by – Fun games on court
  • 6pm – Food served
  • First drink free!
  • Cost $25 for members and $40 for guests
Please pay to club bank account – BSB 062-197 Account 1000 0562. Ref: Your name & Xmas.


Manly Seaside 26th Dec 31st Dec

We will be asking for volunteers to help with signing in guests (no RSA needed) and working behind the bar if you have your RSA. The Club is happy to pay for your RSA if you can help out behind the bar for the Seaside and other times throughout the year. Please let me know as Milton will be putting together a roster. I will have a sign up sheet at the AGM.

Club Championship Finals this Sunday

Looking forward to some great tennis this Sunday. Last Sunday we had very good matches and saw our youngest male finalist in Xander who played exceptionally well with mum. Thanks Jon for the burgers, the spectators really enjoyed them. Christine has done a tremendous job getting all the scheduling done to get us to this end point.

10am Men’s Singles, followed by the Ladies Singles, followed by Men’s Doubles then the Ladies Doubles.

Best wishes,
MLTC Secretary



MLTC Newsletter 9 Nov 2023

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter 9 Nov 2023

Club Champs Finals, AGM and Christmas Party

Club Champs

With the rain on Sunday, we did not see the scheduled matches on court – which means we have another fantastic day of tennis ahead of us this Sunday.

The Open Ladies Singles, Open Mixed Doubles and the A-Grade Men’s doubles Finals will all be played on Sunday, along with SF’s for the Open Men’s Singles and Open Mixed.

Congratulations to Francois Krynauw winning the A Grade Men’s Singles, in a tight match against James Graham 6/3, 7/6.

All courts will be available for social on Saturday, and looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, cheering on the players in their respective SF’s and Finals.

Click here for the Club Champs Draws

Click here for Sunday’s Order of Play

Badge Winners

Congratulations to Denis only winning Badge team this season, who last week attended the winner’s presentation.

Men’s A Finalists Club Champs

AGM – Saturday 25th Nov at 3.30pm

If you would like to come onto the committee or be a Badge selector please send me your nomination form by 11 Nov. Nomination forms can be found at the end of the annual report.

Christmas Party 25th Nov after the AGM

After the AGM we will be having some fun activities followed by food and drinks.

Members $25, Guests $40 please pay by 18th Nov to MLTC bank account

BSB 062-197 Account 1000 0562

Tennis Jewels

Friday 17 November 10am – 1pm at Manly Lawn Tennis Club

Ladies tops, skirts, jackets, tennis accessories and gifts for sale.

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



MLTC Newsletter – 3 Nov 2023

Manly Lawn Tennis Club Newsletter – 3 Nov 2023

Club Champs BBQ, AGM and Christmas Party

Club Championships

Full weekend of tennis with most of the matches being played on Sunday. Jon has kindly offered to cook hamburgers on Sunday around midday so lets hope the weather stays good.


Saturday 25th Nov at the Clubhouse, 3.30pm

Christmas Party

After the AGM we will be having some fun activities followed by food and drinks.

Members $25, Guests $40 please pay by 18th Nov to MLTC bank account

BSB 062-197 Account 1000 0562

Best wishes,


MLTC Secretary



2023 Clarke & Humel Manly Seaside Championships

Manly Lawn Tennis Club | Manly 26 Dec to 31 Dec

It’s ON! Entries Open.

Entries close December 16.

2023 Premier 10K Clarke & Humel Manly Seaside