MTC@manlylawn Term 2 Ladies Entries Open

Entries now open for MTC@manlylawn Tuesday and Ladies Competitions.

Here’s the link to sign up on the web.


MTC announces its Tennis Whisperer Ladies clinics.

For Term 1, we have two Ladies Clinics:

  1) Monday Ladies Clinic 9:00 – 10:30 am

  2) Wednesday Ladies Clinic 9:00 – 10:30 am

Numbers are limited and players must meet a minimum playing standard.   Other Whisperer clinics may be held upon request.

MTC charges $30 for our Tennis Whisperer clinics.

Click here to learn more about, and sign up for, our Tennis Whisperer program.


MTC is proud to announce its new Tennis Whisperer program.

My game is reasonably developed. So ….

Why is it so difficult to make my serve more reliable?

Why can’t I improve my backhand?

Why do I miss easy volleys?

I just don’t know when to pull the trigger on a ground stroke!

Just ask the Tennis Whisperer. Scan the bar code with your phone camera app to find out about this new and exciting MTC program.

Or log onto MTC Tennis Whisperer.

MTC Stringing Special

MTC’s Proshop just took delivery of a new stringing machine.

This is a perfect time for anyone looking to get ready for the upcoming competition season to have their racquets restrung.

MTC is offering a $5.00 discount to all Club Members who have their racquets strung between now and 31st Jan. This includes any of our string range and as well as anyone suppling their own strings ie labour cost $25 instead of $30.