Tennis Seniors Newsletter Jan 2022

TSNSW 2022 Committee

We have a new committee this year. We welcome Mary Baker, the Vice President of Tennis North West and Stephen Taylor, the Tournament Director of our Nelson Bay Tournament. We thank our outgoing committee members, John Whittaker and Carol Campling for their many years of service on committee.

The 2022 Committee is;

President – Mick Bruton
Vice President – Brett Haines
Secretary – Graeme Sticka
Treasurer – Arthur Olsen
Assistant Secretary – Rod Clarkin
Committee Members – Bob Bow, Mary Baker, Stephen Taylor, Cathy Benson, Sharon Killen
and Craig Edwards

TSA Committee

Tennis Seniors Australia also has a new Executive with Paul Moss, from WA the new TSA President.
Paul managed the very successful 2020 National Teams Carnival and Australian Championships in
Busselton. Di Cassel is the NSW member of the Executive and their Vice President.

2022 Tournament Calendar

Our complete list of 36 tournaments is now listed on our website Check it out.


The Tennis NSW Board has updated the guidelines for participation in the sport by removing the requirement for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination from Tuesday 1 February 2022.

The change now brings participation in tennis in NSW into line with the NSW State Government position which currently states:

Anyone can now participate in sport and exercise. People are no longer required to be fully vaccinated or carry vaccination evidence. Face masks are required indoors when not participating in exercise. Density limits no longer apply. COVID Safety Plans are no longer required.

With the State Government having allowed both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals to participate in sport and exercise for some time now, it is timely for tennis to follow suit and align with the current Public Health Order.

Any venue in NSW (including tennis venues) retains the right to enforce mandatory vaccination at their own premises. Therefore, individual tennis venues are permitted to continue to require proof of vaccination for entry to their premises if they choose to do so, which should be respected by patrons at those venues.

This right will be determined by the venues for each of our 36 seniors tournaments so please check your tournament entry for details before entering.

However, in making the change to the statewide guidelines, Tennis NSW is no longer requiring a standard which exceeds the current Public Health Order and is moving to a position in line with how the general community in NSW is now operating.

While the immediate effect of this change (as from 1 February) may cause inconvenience in the short term, it was determined that there would be a level of inconvenience irrespective of which date in the future was nominated. Please contact Tennis NSW staff if you require assistance or guidance on working through implementation of the change.

Tennis NSW continues to strongly encourage all participants in the sport to be fully vaccinated and to receive a booster when eligible to do so.

Before you plan to play in any event don’t forget to renew your membership. Still just $20 payable to BSB 032-044 Acc # 315 326 or renew online with your credit card.

Vale Robyn Castle | Tennis Seniors

It is with great regret that I announce the passing of our Secretary and Life Member, Robyn Castle. She battled the disease, Myeloma, for the past decade while continuing her tireless work for Tennis Seniors NSW.

Our sincere condolences to her family and Arthur Olsen who cared for her throughout her long illness.

In 2012 Blacktown City Council renamed the courts which she managed at Kings Langley, the Robyn Castle Tennis Complex.

She will be greatly missed.

Mick Bruton
Tennis Seniors NSW