MLTC Clubhouse is closed but players can access the club’s washrooms.
Member, Player and Staff Basics:
If you are unwell or have reason to believe you may be infected with
COVID 19 virus, please do NOT attend MLTC before seeking and following
medical advice.
If you have been travelling recently, especially overseas you must
follow Government self-isolation guidelines.
Please – no shaking hands or contact with others while at MLTC while
this crisis continues
Please use our washrooms, soap dispensers and the hand sanitiser on
the reception counter to ensure safe hand hygiene.
Please do not loiter inside the clubhouse. There are loads of outside open spaces
so please use them.
Coaching and Midweek Competitions
All Coaching is ON. Please check with the Manly Tennis Centre if you
have any questions.
Members Social Tennis
Members’ social tennis
will continue, keeping in mind the above Basics guidance.
The management of MLTC is currently, and will
continue, to follow all directives from Federal, State and Local Governments in
relation to COVID-19. We will update immediately when/if there is any change.
As at 12.30 pm March 23, current government
restrictions mean MLTC can stay open with the measures we have in place.
Given the ongoing and worsening situation with the COVID 19 virus, and following advice from Tennis Australia and directions from the NSW Government, the MLTC Committee has decided:
1. To close the Clubhouse 2. People will only be allowed into the Clubhouse to use the rest rooms 3. The Pro shop will remain open 4. MLTC Courts will be available for play. All players are encouraged to keep their visits to the Club confined to their playing time on court. 5. Members should NOT invite visitors to play on Saturday Social until this crisis abates.
Players are reminded that good hygiene and distancing yourself from other people is still the best defence.
The Club has recently acquired bulk disinfectant and will clean outdoor surfaces as much as possible, however Members are encouraged to use common sense and wash hands after play.
All the best Craig Withell President 10:01:052020-03-23 10:25:30MLTC – Play during the COVID 19 virus
The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the outbreak, how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the latest official medical advice and case numbers.
The situation is changing rapidly. Stay up to date with the latest information about the spread of COVID-19 and the steps being taken to slow the spread.
Stay informed
Read the latest announcements about COVID-19 and up-to-date advice for your situation.
Symptoms include fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, and shortness of breath.
If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.
When to get tested
If you develop symptoms within 14 days of last contact with a confirmed case or of returning to Australia, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor will tell you if you need to get tested.
If you’re concerned
Call the National Coronavirus Helpline for advice. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
National Coronavirus Helpline
Call this line if you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19). The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.1800 020 080
Self Isolation Guidelines for Travellers coming to or returning to NSW from an overseas destination.
These Guidelines apply to any person affected by the Order issued by the Minster for Health and Medical Research on 16 March 2020, under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010.
Further to our communication of last week, I wish to provide you with an update regarding the 2020 Sydney Badge Competition.
As communicated previously, all Sydney Badge Competition matches have been postponed based on the best interests of both the public health system and in the interest of player safety & wellbeing in relation to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation; this is in line with Federal government recommendations that sporting teams/codes maintain local competitions only, with no inter-district, or inter-club travel. Please see the full statement here
All Sydney Badge Competitions will remain postponed until Thursday, 30th April (both Thursday and Saturday Competitions) Closer to the proposed resume date, we will review and consider current health advice and government guideline/recommendations before confirming the Sydney Badge competition resumption.
The competitions team still have every hope in completing the full badge season at some stage this year and will provide further updates on the season and match rounds as we approach the date in Aprile. Please be advised that the payment of invoices will not be enforced until such time when there is a clearer understanding of when the competition may proceed.
As I hope you have seen, there are an array of community and social tennis opportunities amongst you and your peers. We entrust you to ensure appropriate protective measures are observed; such as regular hand hygiene practices before, minimise gatherings before and after the match, do not share drink bottles, consider marking tennis balls to help identify whose is whose and also avoid touching your face.
Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding in these most challenging of times.
Many thanks and stay safe,
Tennis NSW Competitions Team 16:45:012020-03-20 16:45:05BADGE - Postponed until 30th April at earliest
Local tennis legend and previous club member, Kevin Fox, passed away peacefully on 12 March, aged 96 years young.
Kevin was a loving husband to Ruth (dec) for 68 years and beloved father of Ros and Ian.
A memorial service will be held at the War Veteran’s Village Chapel Collaroy Plateau when the social gathering restrictions are lifted. Please contact Ian if you would like details when available. 15:25:262020-03-20 15:25:29Vale Kevin Fox
Please be aware the information below is correct at the time of publication (18Mar20) but this is a fast moving and fluid situation. Please continue to check the Tennis NSW website for ongoing updates.
As outlined in the Tennis Australia/Tennis NSW statement on Friday 13 March, all TNSW/TA sanctioned and operated events, tournaments and competitions will continue to be postponed in an aim to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our stakeholders.
However, Tennis activities will continue to play a pivotal role for our community in providing an opportunity to remain active whilst promoting the benefits of physical and mental wellbeing during these uncertain times. It is important to note that the Federal Government has advised that community sport can continue.
Tennis, along with a couple of other sports, is in a unique position to provide the local community with a reduced risk and social sport that can support everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing. Physical activity is more important than ever. The government advice is that those sports that can continue safely at community level, should do just that to help people cope with what is happening.
The COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Playprovide advice for all involved in Community level tennis and provide the safest way to continue playing. Our interpretation of the government guidelines would list the following tennis activities as acceptable:
Coaching Programs (Individual, Groups, Small Squads)
Programs such as Hot Shots, Open Court Sessions, Cardio Tennis
Social & Intra-club Competitions at the discretion of your local provider
Casual Court Hire
However, please remain vigilant with hygiene and cleanliness, and be mindful of the numbers that congregate and the social distancing protocols.
So our message is that tennis at a local level remains open. We can play without getting too close, without congregating in big numbers and without adding materially to the national risk posed by the spread of this virus.
Should you wish to discuss these guidelines further, we recommend you reach out to your Tennis NSW Club Development Officer to assist you in your interpretation of these guidelines, alternatively you can contact the Tennis NSW team at [email protected].
Stay safe and take care,
Lawrence Robertson Chief Executive Officer Tennis NSW 16:24:442020-03-18 16:24:46COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play
You would now be aware that the 2020 Badge is currently postponed indefinitely due to the recent issue with the COVID 19 virus.
While all members should now be aware of the appropriate precautions that people need to undertake to combat COVID 19 – no handshakes, washing hands regulatory , disinfecting hands where possible, keeping your distance and of course do not attend if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell.
MLTC will endeavour to disinfect surfaces within the Clubhouse of often as possible, however due to the lack of availability of supplies this will not always be possible. As such Members should be prepared to bring their own personal sanitiser where possible.
In light of recent announcements the Bar will remain closed until further notice.
I think it is important that people keep exercising during this crisis period, but I think that members, particularly our older members should consider keeping social gatherings after tennis to a minimum.
After some consideration, the committee has decided there will be social play on all 6 courts from 1.00-4.00pm commencing Saturday March 21.
A Committee member will be rostered on as Court Captain for the next 8 weeks ending May 9. Members willing to assist in putting sets on would be appreciated by the Court Captains.
Any Badge team wanting to practice can do so after 4pm on Saturday or anytime Sunday on Member courts.
Hygiene details supplied by Tennis Australia are on the Notice Board and in the toilets where hand sanitizers have been provided. We urge all members to be respectful of each other during these difficult times.
Craig Withell President 14:14:562020-03-18 14:14:58MLTC – Social Play during the COVID 19 virus
Further to the statement released on Friday 13th March, confirming that effective immediately, all Tennis Australia and Tennis NSW operated and sanctioned events, competitions and tournaments are postponed until further notice, we wish to provide some further insight and clarity on the contents of the statement and provide answers to some additional questions that have arisen as a result of this position.
As explained in our statement, we made this decision to take further precautions in the interest of the health and wellbeing of our community.
Our goal is to avoid bringing people together, in order to help contain the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and minimise the inevitable strain on our healthcare system. Social distancing has been proven to help contain the spread and this has ultimately formed the basis of our decision. This decision is based on expert medical advice and is in line with the recommendations of the global tennis community.
We realise this may cause inconvenience in the short-term, however our objective is ensuring our community remains healthy and strong.
The situation is changing rapidly and we will continue to keep you updated on matters that concern the running of our sport. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this difficult time for all of us.
We understand you will have many questions as we are in an unprecedented situation. We hope that we can answer a number of these with those outlined in the attached Frequently Asked Questions document.
For further enquiries, please direct them to the TNSW Membership and Communications Team at [email protected]. 16:16:122020-03-16 16:16:13TENNIS NSW FAQs IN RELATION TO COVID-19
Whilst I am sure most of you have received the relevant announcement regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I am happy to provide some further clarification.
The relevant policy statement sent from Tennis NSW & Tennis Australia is attached below. This information was sent to all Sydney Badge Team Captains, Club Delegates and Players with Match Centre accounts. We hope that you can assist us to make sure that the message has been received by all Badge Players and Clubs.
What this means:
1. The Sydney Badge Competition has been postponed until further notice. The TNSW competitions team will look into options relating to the competition over the next week and provide further details to the Badge Delegates.
2. This statement applies only to Tennis NSW and Tennis Australia events, and does not apply to club level competitions. We suggest you make contact with your club should you be involved in other local or club based competitions.
3. Should you have any further questions, please submit to Denis to followup with Sydney Badge. Please note that the Competitions team will do our best to respond to all queries, however this may take some time to work through over the next few days. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the lines of communication from your players through the delegate to TNSW as this assists us in providing better quality assistance to our playing group.
We appreciate your understanding in this unpredictable time, and always thank-you for your support of the Sydney Badge Competition.
We wish to advise, after careful consideration and taking all relevant advice, Tennis Australia and all Member Associations have taken the decision to cancel all sanctioned and organised events with immediate effect. This was a difficult decision but taken in the best interests of the public health system in the short and medium term.
In order to minimise contact, we ask that you do not make your way to your scheduled venue until further notice.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards, Lawrence Robertson CEO-Tennis NSW 07:33:472020-03-14 07:33:49Badge Cancelled Until Further Notice.
MLTC COVID-19 Update – Courts Available for Play; Clubhouse Closed.
/in Club News /by manly_adminCourts are available for play.
The MLTC Clubhouse is closed but players can access the club’s washrooms.
Member, Player and Staff Basics:
Coaching and Midweek Competitions
Members Social Tennis
The management of MLTC is currently, and will continue, to follow all directives from Federal, State and Local Governments in relation to COVID-19. We will update immediately when/if there is any change.
As at 12.30 pm March 23, current government restrictions mean MLTC can stay open with the measures we have in place.
Craig Withell
23March 2020
COVID-19 Update – Coaching, Court Hire & Competitions
MLTC – Play during the COVID 19 virus
/in Club News /by manly_adminDear Members
Given the ongoing and worsening situation with the COVID 19 virus, and following advice from Tennis Australia and directions from the NSW Government, the MLTC Committee has decided:
1. To close the Clubhouse
2. People will only be allowed into the Clubhouse to use the rest rooms
3. The Pro shop will remain open
4. MLTC Courts will be available for play. All players are encouraged to keep
their visits to the Club confined to their playing time on court.
5. Members should NOT invite visitors to play on Saturday Social until this crisis abates.
Players are reminded that good hygiene and distancing yourself from other people is still the best defence.
The Club has recently acquired bulk disinfectant and will clean outdoor surfaces as much as possible, however Members are encouraged to use common sense and wash hands after play.
All the best
Craig Withell
Australian Government: Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert
/in News /by manly_adminThe World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. Find out how we are monitoring and responding to the outbreak, how you can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, and what to do if you have symptoms. We also report the latest official medical advice and case numbers.
Current status
The situation is changing rapidly. Stay up to date with the latest information about the spread of COVID-19 and the steps being taken to slow the spread.
Stay informed
Read the latest announcements about COVID-19 and up-to-date advice for your situation.
Current status in Australia
For daily reports of reported COVID-19 cases, go to current situation and case numbers.
For what we’re doing to slow the spread, go to Government response to COVID-19.
How to protect yourself and others
Everyone must practise good hygiene to protect against infection and prevent the virus spreading.
If you have a confirmed case, you need to isolate yourself to prevent it spreading to other people.
What you can do
We can all help to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia.
Read protect yourself and others for advice on:
To help protect people most at risk, follow our advice on public gatherings and visits to vulnerable groups.
Symptoms and when to get tested
Symptoms include fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, and shortness of breath.
If you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.
When to get tested
If you develop symptoms within 14 days of last contact with a confirmed case or of returning to Australia, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor will tell you if you need to get tested.
If you’re concerned
Call the National Coronavirus Helpline for advice. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
National Coronavirus Helpline
Call this line if you are seeking information on coronavirus (COVID-19). The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.1800 020 080
View contact
GP respiratory clinics
The Australian Government is establishing 100 GP Respiratory Clinics to assess people with fever, cough, a sore throat, or shortness of breath.
We are setting these clinics up over the next few weeks. Clinics in Ryde, NSW, and Morayfield, Qld, started operating on 21 March 2020.
If you’re not currently near Ryde, NSW, or Morayfield, Qld, there is no GP Respiratory Clinic in your area yet.
Visit your state or territory health department website for more information on state and territory fever clinics and other services.
If you are having a medical emergency, please call 000.
Additional advice
Our advice for travellers provides information on airport and in-flight biosecurity measures, travel restrictions and other arrangements that apply.
Health and aged care sector
Our advice for the health and aged care sector includes Public Health Unit guidelines, epidemiology reports and other resources.
NSW Health: Self Isolation Guidelines
/in Club News, News /by manly_adminSelf Isolation Guidelines for Travellers coming to or returning to NSW from an overseas destination.
These Guidelines apply to any person affected by the Order issued by the Minster for Health and Medical Research on 16 March 2020, under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010.
BADGE – Postponed until 30th April at earliest
/in Badge /by manly_adminFurther to our communication of last week, I wish to provide you with an update regarding the 2020 Sydney Badge Competition.
As communicated previously, all Sydney Badge Competition matches have been postponed based on the best interests of both the public health system and in the interest of player safety & wellbeing in relation to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation; this is in line with Federal government recommendations that sporting teams/codes maintain local competitions only, with no inter-district, or inter-club travel. Please see the full statement here
All Sydney Badge Competitions will remain postponed until Thursday, 30th April (both Thursday and Saturday Competitions) Closer to the proposed resume date, we will review and consider current health advice and government guideline/recommendations before confirming the Sydney Badge competition resumption.
The competitions team still have every hope in completing the full badge season at some stage this year and will provide further updates on the season and match rounds as we approach the date in Aprile. Please be advised that the payment of invoices will not be enforced until such time when there is a clearer understanding of when the competition may proceed.
As I hope you have seen, there are an array of community and social tennis opportunities amongst you and your peers. We entrust you to ensure appropriate protective measures are observed; such as regular hand hygiene practices before, minimise gatherings before and after the match, do not share drink bottles, consider marking tennis balls to help identify whose is whose and also avoid touching your face.
Thank you again for your cooperation and understanding in these most challenging of times.
Many thanks and stay safe,
Tennis NSW Competitions Team
Vale Kevin Fox
/in Club News /by manly_adminLocal tennis legend and previous club member, Kevin Fox, passed away peacefully on 12 March, aged 96 years young.
Kevin was a loving husband to Ruth (dec) for 68 years and beloved father of Ros and Ian.
A memorial service will be held at the War Veteran’s Village Chapel Collaroy Plateau when the social gathering restrictions are lifted. Please contact Ian if you would like details when available.
COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play
/in News /by manly_adminPlease be aware the information below is correct at the time of publication (18Mar20) but this is a fast moving and fluid situation. Please continue to check the Tennis NSW website for ongoing updates.
As outlined in the Tennis Australia/Tennis NSW statement on Friday 13 March, all TNSW/TA sanctioned and operated events, tournaments and competitions will continue to be postponed in an aim to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our stakeholders.
However, Tennis activities will continue to play a pivotal role for our community in providing an opportunity to remain active whilst promoting the benefits of physical and mental wellbeing during these uncertain times. It is important to note that the Federal Government has advised that community sport can continue.
Tennis, along with a couple of other sports, is in a unique position to provide the local community with a reduced risk and social sport that can support everyone’s physical and mental wellbeing. Physical activity is more important than ever. The government advice is that those sports that can continue safely at community level, should do just that to help people cope with what is happening.
The COVID-19 Community Tennis Guidelines for Continued Play provide advice for all involved in Community level tennis and provide the safest way to continue playing. Our interpretation of the government guidelines would list the following tennis activities as acceptable:
However, please remain vigilant with hygiene and cleanliness, and be mindful of the numbers that congregate and the social distancing protocols.
So our message is that tennis at a local level remains open. We can play without getting too close, without congregating in big numbers and without adding materially to the national risk posed by the spread of this virus.
Should you wish to discuss these guidelines further, we recommend you reach out to your Tennis NSW Club Development Officer to assist you in your interpretation of these guidelines, alternatively you can contact the Tennis NSW team at [email protected].
Stay safe and take care,
Lawrence Robertson
Chief Executive Officer
Tennis NSW
MLTC – Social Play during the COVID 19 virus
/in Club News /by manly_adminDear Members
You would now be aware that the 2020 Badge is currently postponed indefinitely due to the recent issue with the COVID 19 virus.
While all members should now be aware of the appropriate precautions that people need to undertake to combat COVID 19 – no handshakes, washing hands regulatory , disinfecting hands where possible, keeping your distance and of course do not attend if you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell.
MLTC will endeavour to disinfect surfaces within the Clubhouse of often as possible, however due to the lack of availability of supplies this will not always be possible. As such Members should be prepared to bring their own personal sanitiser where possible.
In light of recent announcements the Bar will remain closed until further notice.
I think it is important that people keep exercising during this crisis period, but I think that members, particularly our older members should consider keeping social gatherings after tennis to a minimum.
After some consideration, the committee has decided there will be social play on all 6 courts from 1.00-4.00pm commencing Saturday March 21.
A Committee member will be rostered on as Court Captain for the next 8 weeks ending May 9. Members willing to assist in putting sets on would be appreciated by the Court Captains.
Any Badge team wanting to practice can do so after 4pm on Saturday or anytime Sunday on Member courts.
Hygiene details supplied by Tennis Australia are on the Notice Board and in the toilets where hand sanitizers have been provided. We urge all members to be respectful of each other during these difficult times.
Craig Withell
MTC Ladies Tuesday Results
/in Competitions, Tennis Centre /by manly_adminResults posted for Round 7.
Click here for results
/in Club News /by manly_adminFurther to the statement released on Friday 13th March, confirming that effective immediately, all Tennis Australia and Tennis NSW operated and sanctioned events, competitions and tournaments are postponed until further notice, we wish to provide some further insight and clarity on the contents of the statement and provide answers to some additional questions that have arisen as a result of this position.
As explained in our statement, we made this decision to take further precautions in the interest of the health and wellbeing of our community.
Our goal is to avoid bringing people together, in order to help contain the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and minimise the inevitable strain on our healthcare system. Social distancing has been proven to help contain the spread and this has ultimately formed the basis of our decision. This decision is based on expert medical advice and is in line with the recommendations of the global tennis community.
We realise this may cause inconvenience in the short-term, however our objective is ensuring our community remains healthy and strong.
The situation is changing rapidly and we will continue to keep you updated on matters that concern the running of our sport. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding during this difficult time for all of us.
We understand you will have many questions as we are in an unprecedented situation. We hope that we can answer a number of these with those outlined in the attached Frequently Asked Questions document.
For further enquiries, please direct them to the TNSW Membership and Communications Team at [email protected].
Kind Regards,
Lawrence Robertson
Tennis NSW CEO
COVID Badge Cancellation Followup
/in Badge /by manly_adminHello Badge Delegates,
Whilst I am sure most of you have received the relevant announcement regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). I am happy to provide some further clarification.
The relevant policy statement sent from Tennis NSW & Tennis Australia is attached below. This information was sent to all Sydney Badge Team Captains, Club Delegates and Players with Match Centre accounts. We hope that you can assist us to make sure that the message has been received by all Badge Players and Clubs.
What this means:
1. The Sydney Badge Competition has been postponed until further notice. The TNSW competitions team will look into options relating to the competition over the next week and provide further details to the Badge Delegates.
2. This statement applies only to Tennis NSW and Tennis Australia events, and does not apply to club level competitions. We suggest you make contact with your club should you be involved in other local or club based competitions.
3. Should you have any further questions, please submit to Denis to followup with Sydney Badge. Please note that the Competitions team will do our best to respond to all queries, however this may take some time to work through over the next few days. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the lines of communication from your players through the delegate to TNSW as this assists us in providing better quality assistance to our playing group.
We appreciate your understanding in this unpredictable time, and always thank-you for your support of the Sydney Badge Competition.
Kind Regards
TNSW Competitions Team.
Badge Cancelled Until Further Notice.
/in Badge, Club News /by manly_adminBadge Captains and Delegates,
We wish to advise, after careful consideration and taking all relevant advice, Tennis Australia and all Member Associations have taken the decision to cancel all sanctioned and organised events with immediate effect. This was a difficult decision but taken in the best interests of the public health system in the short and medium term.
In order to minimise contact, we ask that you do not make your way to your scheduled venue until further notice.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Kind Regards,
Lawrence Robertson
CEO-Tennis NSW